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7 Natural Remedies to Speed Up Wound Healing  

7 Natural Remedies to Speed Up Wound Healing  

When an open wound becomes infected, soap alone won’t do the trick, and natural treatments such as tea tree oil and honey may provide better solutions than going to your doctor or using topical antibiotics. As always, seeking medical treatment if signs of infection are critical to healing and well-being. If the wound does not seem to be healing correctly or is becoming infected in any other way, medical aid must be sought immediately.

Are you curious about how to heal wounds faster naturally? The best nursing schools in Illinois can help you educate yourself about natural solutions to treat minor wounds before they become infected.

Natural Remedies For Wound Healing

Researchers are giving natural treatment options another try; many have been used for centuries as effective wound treatments. These medicines may offer anti-inflammatory or antioxidant benefits depending on their composition.

Natural remedies should only be used to treat minor injuries; alternative medicine cannot replace medical attention in severe wounds or infections nor apply directly to open wounds.

Aloe vera

You might know aloe for its soothing properties when treating sunburns. Still, its gel-like substance also offers therapeutic uses against other skin conditions. Antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties of aloe can hasten the healing process of damaged tissues.

Aloe vera can help treat acne scars, burns, and rashes and reduce pain. Regular applications throughout the day should provide optimal results.


Clinical researchers have extensively explored honey’s healing abilities. Honey can help heal small wounds quickly while protecting them from infection; additionally, it may be an effective alternative for bandages or skin dressings.

Lavender Oil

Lavender is known to hasten wound healing while providing antimicrobial, antibacterial, and other benefits; for optimal effectiveness, it should first be diluted in carrier oils such as almond, jojoba, or olive.


Tea bags or ointments with marigolds can help soothe affected areas. However, if you suffer from allergies to ragweed or similar plants, it would be prudent to conduct an allergy patch test beforehand.

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Turmeric Paste

Turmeric contains curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and healing properties when applied topically, helping heal skin injuries faster. Combined with turmeric paste, it forms a high-potency topical treatment to quickly ease skin injuries.

As turmeric could potentially cause internal bleeding, taking it orally should also be avoided to ensure optimal results. If you wish to learn more about this as an aspiring LPN, look for private LPN schools near me.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil’s antiseptic properties make it useful in treating skin inflammation and related conditions. However, its products cannot be used to treat burns. Tea tree oil-containing products should be applied twice to three times daily directly onto affected skin areas for best results.

Topical Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an exceptional antioxidant known for its powerful anti-inflammatory effects that may aid wound healing and help protect tissues against damage. Available as coconut oil or topical solutions from pharmacies, Vitamin E offers powerful protection from cell damage while aiding wound recovery and helping wounds heal more rapidly.

What Doesn’t Work

Some herbs and natural treatments, which might appear online, may not be effective at curing infections. You should exercise extra caution with these remedies that could potentially come your way:

  • Take turmeric orally
  • Essential oil supplements may also be recommended, particularly when dealing with medical conditions.
  • This herbal remedy may aid wound healing; however, evidence indicates it could interact with various medications and increase sun sensitivity.

Clinical Treatment

If natural therapies have not relieved your wound, OTC and clinical treatments could provide relief. Options could include:

  • Sterile bandages may be used to cover minor cuts.
  • Petroleum jelly may aid healing by preventing scarring.
  • Topical antibiotics (Tylenol(r) or Aleve(r)) may provide temporary pain relief.
  • Sterile bandages also are available.
  • Rusty items caused your injury, consult your physician to ensure your booster tetanus shots are up-to-date.

Your doctor may advise the following:

  • Oral antibiotics
  • Fluid drainage
  • Topical antibacterial washes/solutions
  • Corticosteroids may help treat inflammation
  • Hospitalization should only be considered when necessary

What Not To Do

Natural treatments have become a popular option on how to heal wounds faster naturally, as concerns around antibiotic resistance increase. Products of this nature may not be necessary when treating non-infected cuts.

Avoid using hydrogen peroxide or rubbing alcohol on cuts infected with an infection and noninfected cuts, as these products can dry the skin out and interfere with healing.

Reach Out When Needed

A minor cut should heal within days if treated using home or natural remedies; if the situation worsens after seven days using these solutions alone, medical help should be sought immediately.

Wounds that have become infected should be attended to immediately, such as:

  • If the pus is more intense or the discharge smells bad, it’s time to seek medical attention.
  • Inflammation or swelling that is reddened or discolored.
  • Feel warm when you touch it.
  • Pain is increasing.
  • Have red or discolored stripes emitting out of the center and growing.
  • Are accompanied by fever or chills.

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Bottom Line

Any cut or scrape must be treated promptly to reduce the risk of infection and promote healing. While natural remedies may aid with treating infections, always consult with a healthcare professional or nurses with successful Illinois NCLEX pass rates, education, and experience first for best results.

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